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A Word about Nominating

Thank you for your interest in being an advocate! You are essential to your nominee’s success in the Josiah Project, both in the selection process and as the project progresses. Your nominee will need your help in finding prayer and financial support and connecting with the powers that be in your local church, diocese, synod, presbytery, conference, or what ever your denomination calls it. Not everyone would be willing to invest their time and effort in helping an unrelated young person as you are choosing to do.

As you work your way through this form please understand that we value your insights as well as your time. We need explicit information in order to select the right participants for this project. Your candor is very important: to us at Rock the World, to your nominee, to the other participants in the Josiah Project, and to the present and future mission of the church. We will keep all information confidential except for questions 1 & 2.

Please submit this recommendation ASAP but no later than April 30th, unless you or your student received a deadline extension.

Currently, it is not possible to save your responses and return to finish the nomination form later. We suggest you copy the questions below, write your responses, and return to fill in all your answers when you are ready. When you are completely finished, be sure to press the "Done" button at the bottom. If you don't, all your responses will be lost.

If you have questions as you fill out this nomination, please email us at

Be sure your nominee visits and clicks the Student Apply Now button to apply.

Well over 80% of Josiah Project graduates from the last 20 years continue in positions of Christian leadership today. Thank you for your time and your willingness to share an extraordinary young Christian with the wider church.

A Word about Nominating<br><br>Thank you for your interest in being an advocate! You are essential to your nominee’s success in the Josiah Project, both in the selection process and as the project progresses. Your nominee will need your help in finding prayer and financial support and connecting with the powers that be in your local church, diocese, synod, presbytery, conference, or what ever your denomination calls it. Not everyone would be willing to invest their time and effort in helping an unrelated young person as you are choosing to do.<br><br>As you work your way through this form please understand that we value your insights as well as your time. We need explicit information in order to select the right participants for this project. Your candor is very important: to us at Rock the World, to your nominee, to the other participants in the Josiah Project, and to the present and future mission of the church. We will keep all information confidential except for questions 1 &amp; 2. <br><br>Please submit this recommendation ASAP but no later than April 30th, unless you or your student received a deadline extension.<br><br>Currently, <span style="text-decoration: underline;">it is not possible to save your responses and return to finish the nomination form later.</span> We suggest you copy the questions below, write your responses, and return to fill in all your answers when you are ready. When you are completely finished, <span style="text-decoration: underline;">be sure to press the "Done" button at the bottom. If you don't, all your responses will be lost.</span><br><br>If you have questions as you fill out this nomination, please email us at<br><br>Be sure your nominee visits and clicks the Student Apply Now button to apply.<br><br>Well over 80% of Josiah Project graduates from the last 20 years continue in positions of Christian leadership today. Thank you for your time and your willingness to share an extraordinary young Christian with the wider church.

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* 1. Please provide YOUR OWN contact information below.

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* 2. Please provide contact information for the STUDENT you are nominating.

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* 3. How do you know this student? How would you describe your relationship?

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* 4. Describe this student’s relationship to God and giftedness for ministry. (When and how did he/she come to faith in Jesus Christ? Which aspects of the student’s faith are strong or weak? What have you seen God do through them? How do they handle being in leadership?)

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* 5. On a scale from 1(low) to 10(high) rate the student's character with regard to:

  1 (low) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (high)
loyalty to friends
loyalty to God
sense of humor
comfort exercising authority
need to be in charge
responsiveness to authority

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* 6. Are there other reasons you believe this student should be in the Josiah Project? Do you have any reservations about recommending him/her, including reservations about emotional stability or Christian character?

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* 7. What ministries and other charitable organizations do you support? Why do you support these specific organizations? (We do not want to know how much you give.)

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* 8. This leadership training program costs several thousand dollars per student. Are you willing to help your nominee raise at least $3800 to defray expenses of their participation in each of the next two summers? (Please note: JP academic scholarships are funded from other sources at Rock the World, not from students' fundraising efforts.)

Thank you for nominating your student to the Josiah Project!

If you have any other information about this student that addresses our criteria for the Josiah Project, please submit it by email to, or by mail to Rock the World, PO Box 43, Ambridge, PA 15003. For example, a copy of your recommendation for his/her college application, or a sample of the student’s ability to communicate the gospel (video file, CD/MP3 recording, article, etc., along with the approximate date when it was produced). We will not reproduce them without the student’s permission.

Please verify with the Pastor/Minister of the student’s church fills out the Pastor Recommendation form (available at and that, if accepted, the student will be given a forum to communicate his/her experience of the Josiah Project to the congregation between mid-August and January 31.

PLEASE NOTE: Do not initiate fund raising activities until you and your nominee have been notified of acceptance and have reviewed our fundraising guidelines.